Web design

Web design

Basic fundamentals

  • Understand the key concepts of visual web design
  • Know the basics of HTML
  • Understand CSS
  • Learn the foundation of UX design
  • Familiarize yourself with UI design
  • Understand the basics of creating layouts
  • Learn about typography
  • Put knowledge into action and build something
  • Get a mentor
    What is web design and what elements make it work
    If you want to learn how to design websites, the first step is understanding what exactly web
    design is.
    Web design is part artistry and part science, tapping into both the creative and analytical sides of a
    person’s mind.
    Web designers take what’s conceptual and translate it into visuals. Images, typography, colors,
    text, negative space, and structure come together offering not only a user experience but a conduit
    for communicating ideas. Web design skills cover a variety of techniques and expertise in creating
    websites that are both functional and visually engaging.
    A good web designer understands the significance of each piece of a design. They make choices on
    a granular level, styling each element, while never losing sight of how the elements will come
    together and function in delivering on the design’s greater goals.
    Web designs are powered by the back end
    The back end is everything that runs behind the scenes in displaying a website. Websites reside on
    servers. When a user requests to navigate to a specific section of a website, the server takes this
    incoming information and in turn, shoots out all of the HTML and other code so that it displays in the
    user’s browser correctly. Servers host the data a website requires to function.
    Web developers who specialize in back-end development are often programmers who work in such
    languages as PHP. They also might use a Python framework like, write Java code, manage SQL
    databases, or use other programming languages or frameworks to make sure that servers,
    applications, and databases are all working together.
    Front end relates to what site visitors see
    The back end is considered the server side while the front end is the client side. The front end is
    where HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code work together to display a website. This is the part of a

    web design that people engage with.


Good visual design make websites stand out
Though the best web designs look effortless in execution, they’re all based on the guiding
principles of visual design. Though there are those rare web designers who have an innate eye for
visual design, for most of us, this is a topic that we must learn on our own.
Those who can tell the difference between good and bad design will have an easier time learning
web development. Understand how visual design works. Know the rules of composition and
understand how elements like shapes, space, color, and geometry come together.
Learning how to be a web designer also means understanding the history of design and web design
How to become a web designer

  1. Understand the key concepts of visual design
  • Line
    Every letter, border, and division in a layout is made up of lines that make up their greater
    structure. Learning web design means understanding the how to use lines to create order
    and balance in a layout.
  • Shapes
    The three basic shapes in visual design are squares, circles, and triangles. Squares and
    rectangles work for blocks of content, circles work for buttons, and triangles are often used
    for icons.
  • Texture, color
    Different kinds of textures that can make your designs more interesting and can give them
    a sense of physicality.
    Understanding the color wheel, complementary colors, contrasting colors will make you a
    better web designer. A huge part of knowing how to web design is knowing what color
    combinations look good together.
  • Grids
    They bring order to images, texts, and other elements in a web design. Learn how to
    structure your web layouts using grids.
  1. Learn HTML basics
    HTML tags are the instructions a browser uses to generate a website. Headings,
    paragraphs, links, and images are all controlled by these tags. You’ll especially want to know
    how header tags like H1, H2, and H3 tags are used for content hierarchy.
    In addition to affecting layout structure, header tags are important in how web crawlers
    classify a design and affect how they show up in organic search rankings.
  2. Understand CSS
    CSS provides styling and additional instructions on how an HTML element is going to
    appear. Doing things like applying fonts, adding padding, setting alignment, choosing colors,
    and even creating grids are all possible through CSS.
  • CSS classes
    A CSS class is a list of attributes that come together in styling an individual element.
    Something like body text could have the font, size, and color as part of a single CSS class.
  1. Learn the foundation of UX design
    Those who want to learn web development often confuse UI and UX. User experience is
    the magic that brings a website to life, transforming it from a static arrangement of elements
    into something that engages with the emotions of someone scrolling through it.
    The color scheme, content, typography, layout, and visuals all come together to serve your
    audience. User experience design is about precision and evoking feelings. It offers someone
    not only a smooth journey but connects them with the entity or brand behind the web
  • User flows
    Constructing user flows may come into play when you work your way up to more
    extensive design projects, but you’ll be better off in the future if you start thinking about
    these and building them out for your early designs.
    User flows communicate how people will move through a design. They help you to
    prioritize the most important sections and make sure that people can access them.
  • Wireframes
    Wireframes show where on a web page headings, text, visuals, forms, and other elements
    are going to be placed. Even if you’re building a simple one-page web design, mapping out a
    wireframe will give you a solid guide to work from.
    As you move on to more complicated websites, wireframes are essential in creating a
    consistent experience, structuring layouts, and not missing anything that needs to be
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