my SQL database

my SQL Database





MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems that has been created so far. This software should not be mistaken to SQL which is a programming language however, they are related and complementary towards each other. Both of them will be fully explained in this essay.
Before going deep into MySQL and SQL sections, there are some terms and expressions which is up to us to explain about them in order to prevent any kind of misunderstanding and misinterpretation.


Database (DB): everything that you are watching on your laptop screen has its own database! There are millions (even billions) of data that are stored in the computers and among these data, some of them have been processed to show you the screen of interest. Websites, applications, softwares they all have their own unique database which would be processed in time. DBs are divided into two groups: relational (tables or schemas) and non-relational (noSQL). The former which is the standpoint of this article, is about complex data that is stored in the tables. The latter is not run by SQL, but by other programming languages (Docs like JSON or XML) or could be illustrated by graphs. As it is obvious, the DBs play a fundamental role in the digital world.


DataBase Management System (DBMS): as mentioned previously, amongst tons of complex data, some of them are processed; this is the role of DBMS to manage which data should be run in time. In programming language, it is called CRUD (create, Read, Update, and Delete) operation which is done by two types of DBMSs: RDBMS (Relational DBMS) and NRDBMS (Non-Relational DBMS. MySQL, Oracle, maniaDB, PostgreSQL are examples of RDBMSs. On the other hand, dynamoDB, mongoDB, Apache, Firebase, and Cassandra are entitled as NRDBMSs and they have their special programming language to run different administration tasks.

SQL (Structured Query Language): This programming language has been used for interactions like CRUD, security, backup, user management, creating schemas and other administrative operations within RDBMS like MySQL. To add to this, these SQLs must be modified in diverse RDBMSs as one code may not be portable on the other RDBMS. Apart from this, SQL is a query language; query is perceived to be the selection of the data that we need from the tons of complex data. Moreover, SQL is a hybrid language and consists of four languages which are meshed into one; Data Query Language (DQL), Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Control Language (DCL), Data Manipulation Language (DML). Each of these will be scrutinized in the next article.


MySQL: It was first founded by MySQL AB company manager (Michael Widenius) who gave his daughter’s name (My Widenius) after this software management system. The authority of this system has been under charge of Oracle Corporation from 2010 and any support regarding upgrades and downgrades (LTS or Long Term Support as well as Innovation, bug and security fixes) would be released every now and then. High security, fast data processing of heavy databases, heavy login are all the fundamental and necessary characteristics of an appropriate RDBMS which are all accumulated in MySQL. To work with MySQL, installation of MySQL server on the computer is the primary key. Subsequently, MySQL database software is ready to be run by the SQL codes whether on the MySQL terminal or code editors like PopSQL; Consequently, any CRUD operations on different types of devices, websites, applications could be feasible.


Conclusion: In the 21st century, the age of communication and technology, the community are into methods and techniques which speed up into their daily lives. So, With regards to the computation and data processing, MySQL has always been one of the leading and best RDBMSs which have ever been created and SQL codes could be modified on it depending on the scope of the task. This is why MySQL is mostly recommended! by agenzia grafica milano

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